Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense: 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006

Frog Collectibles & Other Such Nonsense

A look at my frog collectibles as I get them and my wacky world in the meantime.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Frog of the Day

It's a rainy day here at Frog Central and the Frog Wrangler and I are just taking it easy. Maybe this afternoon we'll make some cookies.....

This frog collectible is one that I have been searching for quite some time and was glad to finally find it. It is from the Brown Bag Cookie Press and is part of their Fairy Tales Collection - Frog Prince. The Brown Bag Cookie Presses are no longer made and are highly collectible. They only made two that featured frogs - the other was showcased here some time ago. This dates to 1997.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Frog of the Day

Radko - Leap of Faith, Jr.
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Well I knew I was in trouble last night when my back went snap - but it wasn't until this morning when I tried to get out of bed did I realize just how bad it was. Ouch! So while I'm waiting for medication to kick in - the Frog Wrangler is keeping me distracted. She crawled into my lap wanting to be petted and it made me think of this Radko piece.....

This frog collectible is from Christopher Radko and is called Leap of Faith, Jr. It is style number 00-266-0 and dates to 2000.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Frog of the Day

I didn't make the Halloween parade last night, to much disappointment. But with an upset stomach, I'm sure the locals would prefer I stay home. The Frog Wrangler was also glad that I stayed home and fed her treats. Today I have just a few errands to run that have to be run - the pharmacy chief among them.

This frog collectible is from United Design and is from their Stone Critters Littles line. It is called Bullfrog Prince. The style number is SCL-231. I do not have a date for this item.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Frog of the Day

Otagiri - Frog Music Box
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Yesterday ended up being an interesting day - trying to dry out carpet. Ugh! There are still some damp spots but hopefully all will be dry today. The plumber can't come until Monday or Tuesday - good thing it wasn't an emergency (I say sarcastically!). Tonight is the big Halloween parade, so it will be nice to have a little fun into this weekend. Of course everyone here is giddy over the St. Louis Cardinals winning the World Series and I'm sure that will work its way into the parade somehow.

This frog collectible is another piece from Otagiri, designed by Mary Ann Baker. This is a frog music box that play "Some Day My Prince Will Come." Another nice addition to this pattern set of Otagiri. The set dates to the early 1980's and Otagiri no longer exists.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has had another good week. She has decided that spending time outside is not a good thing to do with it being so cold. She runs out and right back in and then climbs into her chair. Here she is, a little upset, that I folded up her afghan. I know what she's thinking - I'm here, my blankets there - what's wrong with this picture!?!

Frog of the Day

Hand-made Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been an exciting morning already. I walked into the bathroom to the sound of squish. The water intake pipe was leaking. I reached down to turn off the water only to find there was no knob on the valve. Thanfully I do have some tools and was able to tighten up the leaking valve. I never have liked carpet in the bathroom - it's just a bad idea. I was able to peel the wet sections up so they can air dry and not trap the water underneath the carpet. Oh what fun. I'm waiting now on the arrival of the plumber.

This frog item was a hand-made gift. I'm not sure exactly when I received it, but it has been in the collection for quite some time.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Frog of the Day

We're going Hollywood ba-by! Well, New York But it's exciting news none the less. One of our froggy's has been picked to be made into an animation for television. Numerous photos were taken and I look forward to updating you in the future as to the status. That comprised most of yesterday. This morning the Frog Wrangler and I woke up to a sleeting rain. So although I have a lot planned for today I think I'll temper my ambitions. Thankfully we're not getting the weather that they are having in Colorado - over a foot of snow!

This frog item is a light set - the frogs are made of plastic and go over the lights on the light string. This is from the Oriental Trading Company. There is one string of lights and 10 frogs. I do not have a date for this item.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Frog of the Day

It was a busy day here at Frog Central yesterday. The Frog Wrangler and I spent some time in the basement doing wash and cleaning. We took out a couple bags of trash to the curb and swept the floor. Still quite a ways to go down there, but it was a start. I stirred up a batch of chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon. While the Frog Wrangler looked on salivating, she had to settle for one of her bacon treats. I think over all she was happy with the choice.

This frog collectible is a glass Christmas ornament. I received it as a gift for my birthday earlier this month. It matches the frog playing cymbals that I showcased here before. This frog king is playing the harp. There are no identifying marks on this item.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Frog of the Day

It's going to be a busy day today getting trash to the curb. Maybe the Frog Wrangler will let me hook her up to a little wagon - I don't think so. Well, I guess I should go have a cup of coffee and get energized. Cream? Sugar?.......

These frog collectibles are from Otagiri and they are part of the pattern I collect. This is a frog creamer and sugar. The artist is Mary Ann Baker. I recently purchased several pieces in their original boxes in hopes that it would give me some further information. The pattern name apparently is Frog and has the number of B50. The individual pieces are inventoried as a separate number - all in the 1600's (example: B50/1625 appears on one box, B50/1611 on another). So while it doesn't answer all my questions, I did find it informative. This pair makes a nice addition to the collection.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Frog of the Day

Monday morning and very, very cold here at Frog Central. The Frog Wrangler doesn't spend much time outside searching for frogs to round up - she does her business and heads right back inside. I noticed the other night that my neighbor has put up his Christmas decorations. I had thought of putting up some this year until I saw his - blinky red lights all over making it look like an emergency vehicle threw up. That's enough lights for the whole neighborhood.

This frog collectible is a Christmas ornament from Old World Christmas. This is a new design from this year called Frog on Lilypad.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Frog of the Day

It's been a busy morning here at Frog Central. I've already had my pancake breakfast, read the Sunday paper and did the coupons! The Frog Wrangler has a lot planned for the rest of the day, I'm sure.

This frog item is from the Windsor Collection and is a Frog Pin. It is a mere 1/2 inch tall. It is one of a 3 part set. I do not have a date for this item.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Frog of the Day

I ended up spending much of yesterday cleaning in my office. One of the last bastions of moving boxes. Finally made it through and cleared a lot of items out - trash day this next week is going to be a lot of fun. Today I'm going to put the finishing touches on the room for now. It's good to have some room to move around! Now I'm waiting on the cable guy - you know how that story goes, I'll be there sometime today. In the meantime I can jump around to Telemann's Die Relinge - The Frogs.

This frog item is music! Telemann wrote the Concerto in A major, called "Die Relinge" (The Frogs) and was written around 1725. Telemann tries to mimic the voice of the frogs using the same note on two different strings, one string is stopped (using a finger to press on the string) and the other string is open (no fingers used). The same note. This recording is from Decca records, recorded in 1998.

Update: Here's the first movement of The Frogs by Telemann. It's about 5 minutes long - Enjoy!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been another exciting week for the Frog Wrangler. She has her ups and downs but is always right by my side. She has taken to wanting to be even closer lately, entwining herself around my feet whenever I sit down. Every now and then though I think the Frog Wrangler wants to run away from Frog Central. Here she is with a basket and I know those eyes are saying put my toys in and let's go!

Frog of the Day

Ty Pluffies - Leapers
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Well "Midnight Madness" was a bust. I think someone forgot to tell the businesses that it was going on - either they were closed or had signs in their windows saying they were not participating. So I was there for about 15 minutes then came home. I did find today's frog at the Hallmark store. And I did make it home in plenty of time to see Survivor last night. I also watched Jon Stewart last night - if you saw it, he started by showing a box of Jimmy Dean sausage wrapped in chocolate chip pancakes and on a stick! This morning I made everything but didn't put it on a stick. All I can say is hmmmm.......

This frog collectible is from Ty and is part of the Pluffies line. It is called Leapers. This is one of Ty's current releases. Very soft and cuddly. The fabric is called TyLux (according to the tag).

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Frog of the Day

I can not seem to get acclimated to the dark morning - neither can the Frog Wrangler. Things here at Frog Central didn't get moving until about 8:30 this morning. It's a cold, rainy day here too, so that kept it dark too. It's the kind of day you just want to curl up under the covers and catch up on some sleep. But today is Midnight Madness day here in Tidy Town and I have made this pact with myself to participate in the local happenings - ugh! So from 6 to 8 this evening I'll stroll the downtown - as long as it isn't raining.

This frog banner is from a beaded banner kit by The Beadery. I like hand-crafted frog items I receive and this one I received as the kit and I did it myself. It is entitled Welcome Frog and is style number 5693. It is quite heavy, but looks nice on my wall. I received this kit last week and it was a lot of fun putting it together.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Froggy Song

Just a quick song to get us going for the day.

Frog of the Day

Frog on Shoe Planter
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's an early morning but I have to get myself all dressed up and go meet with some professor types for lunch. The Frog Wrangler will have to contend with just herself today. And I had planned on going grocery shopping again - the local market has triple coupons. I'd say I would go tomorrow but it's midnight madness day here in town and I have to gear up for those 2 hours from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. I wonder where the midnight part comes in.....

This item is planter with a frog on it. The frog is keeping close watch of that old shoe. There are no identifying marks on this item. I received it this last week as a gift. Now I have to go buy a plant!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Frog of the Day

Christopher Radko - Frotograph
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Another late morning - I'm really starting to get spoiled. Of course I was up until about 2 a.m. It rained pretty steady yesterday and all night. The Frog Wrangler went out once during the day but then absolutely refused to go out after that. She'd take one step out the door and turn right around and run back in. Finally around 2 the rain was quite a bit lighter and she went out. She's always been afraid of going out in the rain. I thought I had her over that fear with a good towel off when she got back in - she liked that and associated it with going out in the rain. She would even want to go out in the rain because she knew the towel was waiting, but yesterday it was a no go. She found a nice warm spot, curled up and could not be coaxed to leave it. At 14 (that's what, 97 to you and me) she gets all the slack she wants.

This frog collectible is from Christopher Radko and is part of their Little Gems Collection. It is entitled Frotograph. Style number 1011345. It stands a mere 3 inches high. This piece was retired December 2005. This piece has become highly collectible - I believe it was a Spring only release. Prices for this piece have soared to over $75 - over twice it's original purchase price.

Remember to take care of your Radko ornaments - I have listed here in the past how you should take care of these items. Do not store them in the basement or attic - put them in a closet where the temperature is more even. NEVER WASH YOUR ORNAMENT!!! The paint is water soluable and will wash off with the application of any liquids. Be careful when you handle them - the oils on your hands can mar the paint as well.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Frog of the Day

I don't know how one person can have so much garbage. It seems every week I have a large green bag full to put out at the curb. The Frog Wrangler of course wants to inspect all trash before it leaves the building. Rain has been in the forecast every day for over a week and I think today might finally be the day we get some. I think before this day starts going down hill I better go have a cup of hot chocolate.

This frog item is a plush of sorts - it's a finger puppet! It is from Mary Meyer and is called Tippy Toes Finger Puppet. This one is a little harder to find than Leap Frog Finger Puppet also by Mary Meyer. I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Frog of the Day

Frog Tic Tac Toe
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Sunday morning and time to relax. The Frog Wrangler has been sleeping past 7 a.m. which has been great - but also means it's about time to turn the clocks back. It's a cruel joke - you finally get to sleep to a decent hour and wham! you're back to getting up around 6. Oh well, I will enjoy it while it lasts. Time to go put my feet up and read the Sunday paper and then play a couple games of tic tac toe.....

This frog collectible was one of the gifts I received this last week. It is a tic tac toe board with frogs and lily flowers as the pieces for x's and o's. This is made of resin in China. The only identifying mark is a made in China sticker on the bottom. A fun item that makes a great addition to the collection.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Frog of the Day - Number 1,000!!!

Dept. 56 - Frog Ornament
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
1,000 Frogs! Strike up the band, beat the drums. I knew I had a lot of frogs and it is a lot of fun sharing them with people all over the world. I used to be surprised to see in the weekly report that visitors from Australia, France, Great Britain, or any of a dozen other countries as well as people from all over the United States had been to the site. I appreciate everyone who comes to see the frogs and read of my misadventures here at Frog Central. Here's looking forward to the next 1000 frogs.

This frog collectible is from Dept. 56 and is an ornament. It is a frog bass drum player. Made in the Phillipines, this ornament was received this last week.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler has had a pretty good week. She has spent much of her time at her favorite pastime - holding down the carpet! It's a tough job but the Wrangler is up to the task. With the weather getting colder, The Frog Wrangler likes to find a nice warm place to curl up to nap. This was one of the rare times she slept on the floor instead of wrapped up in her afghan.

Frog of the Day

Gertrude Hawk - Chocolate Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Neither the Frog Wrangler or I wanted to get out of bed this morning - the temperature was in the 20's out! At least we didn't get 2 feet of snow like Buffalo. Yikes! The thoughts of that much snow makes me nervous - I better go have some chocolate.....

This frog item is from Gertrude Hawk and is a chocolate frog with peanut butter filling. These are available from the Gertrude Hawk website and are absolutely delicious.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frog of the Day

Hoppy Columbus Day!!! Ha! You thought I was going to wish myself a Hoppy Birthday, didn't you? Well today is the day Christopher Columbus sailed into wherever he sailed in to. And it also happens to be my birthday, thank you very much. I've received some very nice frogs which will find there way on here over the next week. So without further ado, on to today's frog.....

This frog collectible is from Enesco's Precious Moments. It is part of their Birthday Club and is called Hoppy Birthday. It is style number B0110 and dates to 1995. This one was purchased at a collectibles store and came with the little Symbol of Membership card.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Frog of the Day

Cairn Studios - Henson
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I received two great items in the mail yesterday. One was today's frog collectible, the other was a Mrs. Prindables apple. I can't wait to try the triple chocolate caramel covered apple. I've given these apples as gifts for years and I'm told their great, but this is the first one I've received. Thanks Mom! It was supposed to rain here all day yesterday and since my car window decided to drop a couple inches and not go up I got the car into the garage. So to all of you berating me because I've lived here for a year and had not been to the garage - I can now say I've been. It's a garage - no big deal. Now will someone please go get my car so I can run errands today.......

This frog collectible was a recent eBay purchase and I got it for less than $10. Great considering it's list price is $75 and can be found on the internet for an average of $30. This piece is from Cairn Studios and is called Henson (in honor of Jim Henson). The frog is, of course, Kermit. The gnome, Henson, is reading a book that says "Once upon a time there was a frog named Kermit." This piece is dated 1984, it is style number 1059, and this piece is edition number 98. The artist is Tom Clark and this piece is signed by the creator. Henson, introduced in 1984, was retired by Cairn Studios in 1992. A great buy and a nice addition to the collection.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Frog of the Day

Annalee - Miss-spelled
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
So last night on turn on the television to watch 7th Heaven only to find that it has moved to Sunday. There are now about 10 different shows on Sunday evening I like to watch. Well, it certainly clears up the rest of the week. I ended up getting little sleep last night. The Frog Wrangler had a really bad night until about 3 this morning. It was then I found out she had a gas problem. After my eyes stopped watering I see she left the room - yeah, I wish I could pick up my bed and move to another room!

This frog collectible is from Annalee Mobilitee Dolls and is called Miss-spelled. It stands 10 inches high and is made of felt. The frog is holding his book of potions. The tag says that this piece dates to 1999. I don't have many Halloween frogs - they seem to be few and far between.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Frog of the Day

Partylite - Frog Prince
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Monday morning - time to get busy and get some household chores done. Like checking out the recliner to be sure it still reclines. As tempting as that sounds I plan on working in my office (remember when they used to call them dens?) all day. Today's frog reminds me a bit of that motel commercial - we'll leave a light on for ya!

This frog collectible is from Partylite and is called Frog Prince. It is made of terracotta. The frog lifts off the base so that you can put a tealight in it. I do not have a date for this item.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Frog of the Day

The 24K Company - Frog Culture
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I am head to toe sore this morning. I've given up on the appearance of my grocery helper stocking me up for the winter so yesterday, like a good frog, hopped over to the grocery store and did a major shopping. The good news was that I saved over $30 with coupons! I was at the grocery store from 11:00 through 3:30 and it took me over an hour to get everything put away. So today every muscle aches and the Frog Wrangler and I are going to spend a quiet day relaxing (with the heating pad).....

This frog collectible is a plush. The hang tag says Frog Culture. It is from the 24K Company. Listed on the hang tag also is a company called Special Effects, a division of Mighty Star. There are 4 different frog styles in this collection. This is the Blue Dart Poison Frog. This plush dates to 1997.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Frog of the Day

Ty - Legs
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Woke up this morning to it being very cold - and the smell of the heat coming on for the first time. The Frog Wrangler, who hasn't been on the bed in a while, decided this morning was a good one to curl up next to me on the blanket. All together it made it hard to get out of bed this morning.

This frog collectible is one of the original Ty Beanie Babies. It is known as Legs and dates to 1993 (Born on 4/25/93 according to the tag). It is style number 4020.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Dog Blogging

Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Well today has been fun. I went to the charity auction and bake sale this morning. This was how it was billed - charity auction and bake sale. Unfortunately all the bake sale items were on auction also. Oh well, I crossed it off my list and went on to my next errand.

The Frog Wrangler has had a really good week. She's spent a lot of time keeping an eye out the window looking for frogs. Now she always knows just where here favorite toys are located. Here she is telling me just where they are and why haven't I gone to get them so we can play. At 14 years of age, you only have to throw them once and she want to take a nap.

Frog of the Day

Radko - Fairweather Frog
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
The Frog Wrangler and I didn't dare sleep in today. We have a list of things to do a mile long. Hopefully we'll have some fair weather.....

This frog collectible is a Radko Ornament. It is from the 2002 collection and is called Fairweather Frog. It is a two part ornament and really quite stunning. It is Radko number 1010061. A great ornament to not mention the upcoming Christmas season.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Frog of the Day

Kellog's - Dig 'Em Plush
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Finally got a good night's sleep and the Frog Wrangler and I slept right on through the morning! I think it might have been the weather shift - it is cold this morning. A few errands to run today will keep me busy, getting ready to gear up for another exciting weekend here in Tidy Town. Tomorrow is an auction/bake sale to benefit the hospital. Well better dig in and get busy......

This frog plush collectible is from the Kellog's Company and is Dig 'Em, the spokefrog for one of their cereals. The Princess Soft Toys Company made these for Kellog's and it dates to 1997.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Frog of the Day

Colossal - Tree Frog Squirt
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
I can not believe how hot it is today - of course tomorrow I'll be saying I can't believe how cold it is! Near 90 degrees today, but the worry of extreme weather is in the news today. Chicago got hit pretty hard the other day. It makes for lousy television watching because they break in every 5 minutes to tell you where the storms are located. Today is going to be another at home day since my legs don't want to cooperate with my back. I bet I could win top prize on that home video show with my acrobatics to get from one room to the other.

This frog item is a variation on the old squirt gun. Made by Colossal and part of their Club Earth line, this item is called Tree Frog Squirt. It is made of what feels like rubber or soft plastics, a squeeze of the belly will cause a stream of water to shoot out of its mouth. I can not find a date for this item (there is none on the hang tags).

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Frog of the Day

Rana 7 Signed Preview Issue
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
It's been a rough morning here at Frog Central. I went to get out of bed and my back just did not want to cooperate. A half hour later I finally made it to my chair. Guess I'll be ordering in today......

This frog collectible is Preview Issue of a comic book (at least that's what I always called them - I guess they are known as graphic novels by the younger generations of today). The title is Rana 7 and it is signed by the creators. This is a limited edition piece - 3,500 created - for a comic book convention in Philadelphia. Glen Sica is the writer/creator. The artist is Franco Aureliani. This dates to October 1993. From my research, I can only find 3 issues of the comic book that were released, the third not being released until around 1998. The comic was released by NGNG Studios. A great collectible.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Frog of the Day

Ty Pillow Pal - Ribbit
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Yesterday was the big Chicken BBQ here in Tidy Town. The chicken distribution was all very orderly, but you would expect that in Tidy Town. The chicken came with baked beans, slaw, bread, and a piece of cake. Not bad for six bucks. Today my muscles are sore from head to toe, so even though I need to do some grocery shopping - today is going to be a day of rest and recouperation. And enjoying the 90 degree weather! I've closed up the storm windows, so the air conditioning will switch on when it gets too hot which ought to be any minute now. Maybe I'll go back to bed with my pillow pal Ribbit........

This frog collectible is from Ty and is part of their Pillow pals line. It is called Ribbit. This is known in the Ty world of collectors as the Red Frog. There was also produced a Green Frog and some sites list a third Green/Yellow Frog. This piece is retired but still readily available on eBay at a reasonable price. Of course you have to be careful because there have been counterfeit items sold there. Reputable dealers are currently selling this item for about $50 - $55.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Frog of the Day

Otagiri - Frog Bathroom Cup
Originally uploaded by KenCalvino.
Yesterday sure was a busy day! It was the big Appleknocker Festival here in town. It was a very overcast day and did spit a little rain here and there, but it did not dampen the day at all. I did get to try the locally famous apple dumplings and it was indeed delicious. They make thousands of them for the festival and usually sell out before the day is over! There were a lot of activities for the kids, as well as a lot of local groups that had booths. It took several hours just to walk around see as much as I could. Of course the different food booths were also great. All in all, a lot of fun and a good time. Today I'm off to buy a chicken from a local chicken barbeque fund raiser. For a small town, Tidy Town seems to have something going on all the time.

This frog collectible is another in the series of Otagiri pottery that I collect. This piece is a bathroom cup. Designed by Mary Ann Baker and dating to the early 1980's, these pieces, as well as most Otagiri pottery, is highly collectible.

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